= Client has purchased a 10-hour package

No tickets found.

Ticket Status: Closed

Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-25-24 5:09pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-26-2024 2:29pm

New Leader page on RxFunction/Walkasins.com website -

Ticket Status: Open

Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-25-24 5:09pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

Re: Update to home page - 23DSC037

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-08-23 12:04pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:25pm

Drop off changes - 23DSC036

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 11-28-23 12:51pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:26pm
Total Hours: 0.5

11-29-2023Updated text and removed column based on Rachel's requests, fixed alignments further down page that had unnecessary padding - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.5 hrs

Minworx – General help/updates - 23MWX001

Ticket Status: Open

Client: Minworx
Request Type: Site/Technical Issue

Ticket Open: 09-24-23 1:54pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

09-20-2023Looking into GoDaddy email issue for Amy, testing, communication with Amy - 1.25 hour(s)

09-21-2023More help with GoDaddy, communications - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.75 hrs

DSC – general updates - 23DSC035

Ticket Status: Open

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-22-23 11:16am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

09-22-2023Menu Updates - screenshot tables in excel, open in Photoshop and scale, upload and place on pages - 1.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.75 hrs

Emily’s Fresh Kitchen – Google Analytics upgrade, plugin & WP updates, Cookbook Recipe posts recategorizing - 23EFK001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Emily's Fresh Kitchen
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-19-23 4:17pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:27pm
Total Hours: 3

09-18-2023Recategorized all Cookbook Recipe posts into "Recipes", reverted layout for all, set all to draft mode, removed Cookbook Recipes from main menu - 1.75 hour(s)

09-19-2023Plugin updates, WP update, testing. Create GA4 property, connect to Monster Insights - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3 hrs

Fwd: Reminder | Schedule a call with your dedicated Google Ads expert - 23DSC034

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: SEO/Analytics

Ticket Open: 09-17-23 11:53am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-18-2023 4:07pm
Total Hours: 0.25

09-18-2023Communications with Dale re: Google Ads, general SEO - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

DSC Website updates - 23DSC033

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-15-23 2:28pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-18-2023 4:07pm
Total Hours: 0.75

09-15-2023Removed one food trailer date, added two more food trailer dates - 0.25 hour(s)

09-16-2023Communications to Dale re: tickets, SEO stuff, gathering info for Dale - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.75 hrs

Eco-finishing – New Account Update form - 23ECO001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Eco-Finishing
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 09-06-23 3:58pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:27pm
Total Hours: 2.75

09-06-2023Created Account Update form on new page, added Gravity Export Lite and Gravity Copy Cat plugins, configure checkboxes on form to copy above fields, tested form, configured Export plugin and sent download URL to Carlos - 2.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.75 hrs

Fwd: Your account will soon require multi-factor authentication - 23DSC032

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: SEO/Analytics

Ticket Open: 08-28-23 5:18pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-22-2023 11:14am
Total Hours: 0.25

08-28-2023Communication with Dale re: 2-step verification enabling - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Fwd: Your quarterly security suggestions - 23DSC031

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-25-23 1:35pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-05-2023 4:28pm
Total Hours: 2.75

08-28-2023Added venues and food trailer dates, took screenshots of Google Analytics add admin process, communications with Dale, directions for Analytics - 1.25 hour(s)

08-28-2023Setting up DSC in Google Analytics, walked Dale through adding me as administrator, added new GA4 tracking tag to site, resolved security issues in Analytics - 1.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.75 hrs

Aris Clinic – general site updates - 23AGR008

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-17-23 5:29pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-06-2023 12:38pm
Total Hours: 1

08-17-2023Fixed homepage video sizing/padding, removed accordions from Get Started page, replaced with individual forms, responsive styling for form links/layout - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

TMC – Product additions, site upates - 23TMC001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: The Madison Collection
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-16-23 4:42pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-05-2023 4:30pm
Total Hours: 4.75

08-16-2023Updated homepage throw image, updated Wholesale page based on Gil's Trello requests - 0.75 hour(s)

08-16-2023Started setting up new Pebble Blanket product - added text content, Eco Attributes, price, SKU, created variations - 0.75 hour(s)

08-24-2023Created slider for new Pebble product, scaled imagery and added to slider, scaled images for category page and thumbnails - 1.75 hour(s)

08-25-2023Striped mat converted to variable product, added new Sand variation, scaled and uploaded imagery, added imagery to existing slider - 1.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4.75 hrs

DSC – venue addition, swap CF7 form for Gravity Form - 23DSC030

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-14-23 4:26pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-05-2023 4:31pm
Total Hours: 4

08-15-2023Added Harriet Island Pavillion to Venues page - 0.25 hour(s)

08-22-2023Recreated Contact form in gravity forms, placed on Contact Us page and in footer, styled each, responsive, configured form notification settings - 2.25 hour(s)

08-23-2023Email allowlist instructions and communication with Dale, removing contact forms again until - 1.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4 hrs

Fwd: myevent@divineswinecatering.com sent you a conversion tracking tag - 23DSC029

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-14-23 11:53am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-15-2023 5:05pm
Total Hours: 0.25

08-14-2023Communication with Dale, telling him I finished this task previous week, check emails before re-sending ticket requests - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Fwd: myevent@divineswinecatering.com sent you a conversion tracking tag - 23DSC028

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 08-11-23 12:23pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-14-2023 11:55am
Total Hours: 0.25

08-11-2023Added GTag tracking code to site - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Email - 23DSC027

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Site/Technical Issue

Ticket Open: 08-10-23 2:17pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-15-2023 5:05pm
Total Hours: 3

08-10-2023Contact Form 7 debugging, troubleshooting, downloaded plugin to view CF7 entries, communications with Dale, opened CF7 ticket to try to resolve form submit errors - 2.25 hour(s)

08-11-2023Created page to display CF7 entries, configured entries plugin settings, placed on page and communicated this to Dale - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3 hrs

Divine Swine website - 23DSC026

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-10-23 11:10am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-15-2023 5:04pm
Total Hours: 0.25

08-11-2023Removed specified text from homepage, added Parley Lakes Winery to Venues and Links page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Frog Products – Blog/Microsite updates - 23FRG002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: King Technology
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-09-23 3:58pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:27pm

08-08-2023Set up dev account, uploaded Frog theme, created placeholder posts, uploaded imagery - 1 hour(s)

08-09-2023Set up blog filters, created results page, got filters working, styled basic post layout and post "cards" - 3.5 hour(s)

08-16-2023Set up up blog category and single page, added content to single, created placeholder posts, added lipsum and imagery - 4.5 hour(s)

08-18-2023Updated curve elements CSS to work at all widths, tweaked banner to better match design, start running fonts/paddings/margins through responsive calculator - 1.75 hour(s)

08-21-2023Responsive styling for category and single layouts, updates to banner and filters - 2.5 hour(s)

08-23-2023Updated mobile filter layout, created buttons and jQuery function to open filters on mobile, update responsive - 2.25 hour(s)

08-29-2023Final tweaks to mobile banner layout, share buttons in banner, move to live, install plugins on live site, update templates on live site, add imagery - 3.5 hour(s)

08-31-2023Additional Frog blog updates from Samantha - 1.5 hour(s)

09-01-2023Swim spa updates - 2.5 hour(s)

09-06-2023Updates to Swim Spa profit calculator results page - 1 hour(s)

09-08-2023Updates to various microsite pages - text updates, styling updates, new placeholder numbers for Profit Comparison table, responsive on two updated pages - 2 hour(s)

Total Hours = 26 hrs

Processing Fees - 23DSC024

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-09-23 3:54pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-10-2023 9:37am
Total Hours: 0.25

08-10-2023Updated credit card processing percentage text in two spots on DSC site - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

ABR – general site updates - 23AGR007

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-08-23 5:39pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-06-2023 12:39pm
Total Hours: 1

08-08-2023Created new Employee Safety Infographic page, added infographic from Camille, linked button to corresponding Resource, added new page to main menu - 0.5 hour(s)

08-09-2023Removed WP's default max-image height threshold, re-uploaded infographic from previous day so it would have full dimensions - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

HFI Family – general site updates - 23HFI005

Ticket Status: Open

Client: HFI
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-08-23 5:34pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

08-04-2023Copied existing home slider, added new slide to slider, added new slider to test page for Tara to review - 1.25 hour(s)

08-08-2023Copied page for Tara, communication on Basecamp regarding changes, image dimensions, etc... - 0.5 hour(s)

08-17-2023Quick styling help for Tara, needed correct class name for background image positioning - 0.25 hour(s)

09-05-2023Homepage update, add new section text and imagery, style to match Tara's PDF, responsive - 1.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3.5 hrs

Aris Clinic – PPC Pages - 23AGR006

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-03-23 10:38am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-03-2023 3:56pm
Total Hours: 6

07-27-2023Communication with Camille re: PPC forms and Mailchimp form setup, logged-in to Mailchimp to view settings, configuration, etc… - 1.25 hour(s)

07-28-2023Re-created PPC page forms in Gravity forms and placed on page, styled new forms to match previous layout, created additional client confirmation for new forms to match Camille’s templates in Mailchimp, created Thank you page for new forms, typed up basic directions for Camille to view entries in Gravity Forms - 3 hour(s)

07-31-2023Updated PPC pages layout to put bottom content in right-column beneath form, fixed client notification email template so masthead image is responsive - 1.25 hour(s)

08-07-2023Add recaptcha to Aris forms to try to cut down on spam submissions - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 6 hrs

Fwd: catering for event 8/31 - 23DSC023

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 08-02-23 1:24pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-10-2023 9:41am
Total Hours: 1.25

08-03-2023Responded to Dale re: emails from contact form getting lost - 0.25 hour(s)

08-03-2023Troubleshooting contact form email delivery failure, made test submissions to form, validated forms through Contact Form 7 validation tool - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Add these food trailer dates - 23DSC022

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-28-23 1:43pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-31-2023 10:00am
Total Hours: 0.5

07-31-2023Added food trailer dates - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.5 hrs

1 more food trailer event - 23DSC021

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-28-23 1:43pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-31-2023 10:00am
Total Hours: 0.25

07-31-2023Added food trailer date - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

JLynn Design – updates to Team and Portfolio sections - 23JLD001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: JLynn Design
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-25-23 3:35pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:29pm
Total Hours: 4.25

07-25-2023Created 7 new team members, added silhouette images for each, added email address and job titles - 1 hour(s)

07-26-2023Uploaded imagery, created 2 new projects with Slick Slider on each containing project imagery, added imagery for existing projects to existing slick sliders - 3.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4.25 hrs

BCI – SEO work - 23AGR005

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: SEO/Analytics

Ticket Open: 07-25-23 1:35pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:29pm
Total Hours: 9

07-07-2023Another round of keyword research, update keywords based on new rankings, put report together for Camille to show client, - 2.5 hour(s)

07-11-2023Screenshots for Camille on AMSV for top keywords, Yoast "focus keyphrase" research, Yoast canonical URL research, updated page titles of various archive pages - 1.5 hour(s)

07-18-2023Monitoring 404 errors, add redirects for continual/common 404 errors, mont - 0.75 hour(s)

07-24-2023Research for Camille issues with "(not set)" showing in Google Analytics - 2 hour(s)

07-27-2023Research custom event tracking in Google Analytics, how to implement, added tracking data-attributes to main menu featured item links - 1.5 hour(s)

08-16-2023Pulled SEMRUSH reports for Camille, updated main menu featured item links tracking codes - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 9 hrs

FailZero – RSR file transmission to FTPS from FTP - 23FZO002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: FailZero
Request Type: Site/Technical Issue

Ticket Open: 07-20-23 1:16pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-13-2023 2:05pm
Total Hours: 2.25

07-19-2023Testing ftp_ssl_connect(), different parameters, etc... - 1.5 hour(s)

07-25-2023Was able to connect to RSR w/ FTPS through FTP client, tested more with connection through code - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.25 hrs

Aris Clinic – Admissions forms update - 23AGR004

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-20-23 8:58am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-20-2023 9:00am
Total Hours: 0.25

07-20-2023Combined "Child Admissions" and "Adolescent Admissions" forms on "Forms" page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Brookshire Co. Updates - 23BRK002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Brookshire Co.
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-19-23 11:48am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:29pm
Total Hours: 5.5

07-19-2023Meeting with Colin, Erica and Cory to explain how to edit/update posts - 1 hour(s)

07-20-2023Set up user accounts for Erica and Cory, added custom field for banner background positioning, created White Papers custom post type - 1.25 hour(s)

07-21-2023General updates - team page, team members, team member info, single-tshowcase.php banner, CVN logo updates, remove items from main menu - 2.25 hour(s)

08-08-2023Updates to team page, member positions and ordering - 0.25 hour(s)

08-17-2023Communications with Cory and Erica at Brookshire re: transferring PDF to a news post - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 5.5 hrs

Website update - 23DSC020

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 07-12-23 12:32pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-20-2023 1:10pm
Total Hours: 0.25

07-13-2023Updated Rosemount Community Center venue link on "Venues" page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Amazed Acres – banner video, gallery, general updates - 23AMA002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Amazed Acres
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-28-23 10:48am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:29pm
Total Hours: 1.25

06-28-2023New plugin handling Youtube background video on homepage (old one doesn't work), removed images from gallery - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

pH Prescription – looking into failed orders for Leann, general support - 23PHP004

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: Site/Technical Issue

Ticket Open: 06-27-23 11:53am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-20-2023 1:12pm
Total Hours: 4.5

06-15-2023Looked into failed orders because they don't know how to check them, sent screenshots of order notes explaining cause of order failures, typed response to Alison explaining - 1 hour(s)

06-26-2023Researched how and finally enabled revisions for Woo products after Alison wrongly thought content was missing from one of her pages (it was never there), looked through simple history logs - 2.25 hour(s)

06-27-2023Reset Leann and Nadine's passwords, texted to Leann, installed and configured Inactive User logout plugin - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4.5 hrs

pH Prescription – Affirm payment gateway setup - 23PHP003

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 06-27-23 11:46am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-22-2023 3:19pm
Total Hours: 2.25

06-22-2023Set up affirm gateway on dev site, tested, configured settings, took screenshots of checkout process for Alison - 2.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.25 hrs

pH Prescription – site speed testing, recommendations - 23PHP002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: Site/Technical Issue

Ticket Open: 06-27-23 11:38am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 08-25-2023 2:17pm
Total Hours: 2.5

06-07-2023Site speed testing, fixed some items, recommendations for larger site speed issues sent to Leo via Alison - 2.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.5 hrs

DSC – Add a review - 23DSC019

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-26-23 11:53am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-13-2023 3:25pm
Total Hours: 0.25

06-27-2023Added review to homepage reviews carousel - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

BCI – General Site Updates - 23AGR003

Ticket Status: Open

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-14-23 10:54am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

06-14-2023Set up "BCI Convention" events landing page like other events landing pages, update main menu link - 1 hour(s)

06-15-2023Update footer social links - 0.25 hour(s)

06-28-2023Updated animation graphic on Circular Economy page - 0.5 hour(s)

06-30-2023SEO work on BCI site (6/15 - 6/30) - 10.5 hour(s)

07-12-2023Fixed mobile home banner layout, added text to home banner, responsive styling - 1.5 hour(s)

07-18-2023Scaled and added gradient to background image for new homepage section, added and styled section, checked responsive - 1 hour(s)

07-24-2023Updated Amplify and Innovation Award past submissions pages, scaled imagery where necessary, created accordion for Amplify past submissions - 2.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 17.5 hrs

DSC Website - 23DSC018

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-13-23 1:10pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 06-27-2023 9:25am
Total Hours: 0.25

06-13-2023Added text to Join Our Team page specifying that no positions open at this time - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

How it works - 23DSC017

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-06-23 2:36pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 06-08-2023 11:17am
Total Hours: 0.25

06-06-2023Updated text on How It Works page, removed 1st slide from homepage slider - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Forte Rep – general site updates - 2023FOR001

Ticket Status: Open

Client: Forte
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 06-01-23 3:19pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: N/A – ticket is open
Total Hours: N/A – ticket is open

06-01-2023Updated Healthcare Real Estate page layout, content, imagery - 2.75 hour(s)

06-02-2023Created 2 carousels for Healthcare Real Estate page (one mobile, one desktop), fixed responsive styling issues (not mine) - 2 hour(s)

06-08-2023Added JS so Healthcare Real Estate accordion items can be closed on click, added "-" icon for open accordion items, updated accordion links - 1.25 hour(s)

06-13-2023Updated copy for Healthcare carousel items, had to do twice as changes were reverted by Divi again - 0.5 hour(s)

06-16-2023Change darkgray backgrouns on Healthcare page to same lightgray being used on homepage - 0.25 hour(s)

06-20-2023Scaled new icons from Angela for Healthcare page in Photoshop, added to Healthcare page - 0.5 hour(s)

06-23-2023Make footer form title editable (not global), testing accordion links for Angela (different display types), testing autoplay on carousel, updated carousel text, added arrows to accordion body links - 1.75 hour(s)

06-28-2023Use Healthcare page template to set up Industrial page, add updated content, remove unnecessary content, crop scale icon images, create pre-footer CTA - 2.75 hour(s)

07-17-2023Scaled and uploaded new client logos for Industrial page, alphabetized logos on page, added page to main menu - 1.25 hour(s)

09-05-2023Add "Team" and "Careers" to main menu under "About", remove "Team" from top level menu items - 0.25 hour(s)

09-20-2023Updated title on new expertise page, sent directions with screenshots on how client can edit themselves - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 13.75 hrs

Food Trailer dates - 23DSC016

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-31-23 4:18pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 06-06-2023 3:38pm
Total Hours: 0.25

06-01-2023Added "Trail Spin" event - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Amazed Acres – add new imagery to gallery, update lot price and info - 23AMA001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Amazed Acres
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-24-23 9:12am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-24-2023 9:14am
Total Hours: 5.25

05-10-2023Updated lot info (price, sq. footage with document from client), updated links on each property to listing site - 2.5 hour(s)

05-20-2023Finish updating lot info (client supplied rest of information) - 1.5 hour(s)

05-23-2023Scaled and uploaded imagery to "Gallery" page - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 5.25 hrs

ETS – PDF display and Resources buttons updates - 23ETS001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: ETS
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-18-23 10:56am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-13-2023 2:06pm
Total Hours: 1.25

05-18-2023Added 2 buttons to Resources page, updated button layout, responsive - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Fwd: DSC Website updates - 23DSC015

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-17-23 11:59am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-24-2023 9:03am
Total Hours: 0.25

Cornbread - 23DSC015

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-16-23 7:41am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-17-2023 3:32pm
Total Hours: 0.25

05-17-2023Added text to "Menu" page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

pH Prescription – Hydro-Clean Shower, Viqua, Polaris product additions - 23PHP001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 05-09-23 8:57am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-24-2023 9:02am
Total Hours: 10.25

05-08-2023Removed background from product images in Photoshop, added to two Hydro-Clean products - 3 hour(s)

05-11-2023Removed background from Viqua and Polaris images in Photoshop - 3.5 hour(s)

05-14-2023Finished with Photoshop work for Viqua/Polaris, added imagery to products and set up sliders for each - 2 hour(s)

05-15-2023Needed to update new products' thumbnail images as Alison did not specify imagery initially. Removed backgrounds from images and added as thumbnails - 1.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 10.25 hrs

OCT/NCA add events - 23NCA001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: NCA/OCT
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 04-27-23 6:08pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-25-2023 4:41pm
Total Hours: 3

04-27-2023Added 12 events to both OCT and NCA school sites, update template to reflect new shooting location - 3 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3 hrs

Brookshire Co. Updates - 23BRK001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Brookshire Co.
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 04-26-23 11:18am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 07-19-2023 11:41am
Total Hours: 5

04-26-2023Updated main menu, home spider graphic, home content, CVN page - 2.5 hour(s)

05-05-2023Downloaded hide/show content plugin, set up on sample page for testing - 0.75 hour(s)

05-06-2023Updated Team page layout, added 3 new team members, scaled and cropped new imagery, added bios and info for new team members - 1.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 5 hrs

Frog products – create shortcode to display random link/image pair - 23FRG001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: King Technology
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 04-18-23 10:48am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-26-2023 2:48pm
Total Hours: 2.25

04-17-2023Created shortcode to display random link/image pair (similar to original random link shortcode, but with image now) - 2.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.25 hrs

Aurrera Health – Dev site updating styles and layouts - 23AUR001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Aurrera Health
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 04-11-23 12:57pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:30pm
Total Hours: 13

03-16-2023Dev site - new Expertise and Focus Area layouts styled, responsive - 2.75 hour(s)

04-17-2023Finish dev site styling, responsive - 1.25 hour(s)

04-11-2023Add email address buttons back to single team pages, install and configure plugin to encode email addresses for anti-spam - 0.5 hour(s)

05-26-2023Updates to Team page, updated homepage slideshow (Photoshop work needed for imagery), re-did "Focus Areas" layout on "Our Expertise" page, styling and responsive - 4 hour(s)

05-29-2023Created mobile version of homepage slider, switching to this new slider now on mobile - 1.5 hour(s)

05-31-2023Fixed link issue on "Our Expertise" focus area display, updated CSS for responsive Related Resources, created custom field for single project dates - 1.5 hour(s)

09-28-2023Changed page structure and title (Focus Areas), updated code to accomodate URL change for topic buttons - 0.75 hour(s)

09-29-2023Changed Services button layout to 2 rows of 4 (from 3 rows of 3 + 2), responsive styling for min-heights all the way down needed to be updated after change - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 13 hrs

HFI Family – Ingredient Innovations/home slideshow updates - 23HFI003

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: HFI
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 04-05-23 8:40am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-07-2023 4:14pm
Total Hours: 4

03-27-2023Created new Ingredient Innovations custom post type, set up archive and single templates - 2.5 hour(s)

04-04-2023Update homepage slideshow image and text, update Ingredient Innovations archive banner image, updated Yoast settings for Ingredient Innovations - 1 hour(s)

04-07-2023Scale and add video to "Our Facilities" page - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4 hrs

DSC Website - 23DSC014

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-29-23 3:06pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-07-2023 4:10pm
Total Hours: 0.25

03-31-2023Added Phoenix Event Hall venue to Venues & Links page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

change to Hawaiian Luau menu - 23DSC013

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-24-23 12:30pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-25-2023 11:58am
Total Hours: 0.25

03-24-2023Remove "buffet tables" text from Divine Hawaiian page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Addwomxn style updates - 23ADW001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: AddWomxn
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-17-23 6:58pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-17-2023 6:59pm
Total Hours: 1

03-17-2023Logo swaps, fix font-size on homepage, replace all instances of AddWomxn with Addwomxn - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

Lakeville Chamber – add to DSC website - 23DSC012

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-15-23 12:55pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-21-2023 8:57am
Total Hours: 0.5

03-19-2023Remove St. Patrick's day slide from home slideshow, scale and add Lakeville Chamber of Commerce logo to footer - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.5 hrs

FailZero – RSR products removal and re-enabling - 23FZO002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-14-23 10:36am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-07-2023 4:11pm
Total Hours: 3.5

03-07-2023Disable all RSR products through import - 0.5 hour(s)

03-13-2023Export to get products, prepare import, update Hard Gun Cases and Soft Gun Cases/Packs products to draft mode with import - 0.75 hour(s)

03-14-2023Get RSR inventory file, prepare import, run RSR product stock import to re-enable RSR products, monitor import, check all category pages and spot check product info vs. IM-QTY.csv doc - 2.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3.5 hrs

DSC Website - 23DSC011

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-09-23 2:11pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-09-2023 4:23pm
Total Hours: 0.25

03-09-2023Added June 9th "Music in the Park" food trailer date - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Heritage Web – Employment page updates - 23HCA001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Heritage Academy
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-08-23 3:11pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-07-2023 4:12pm
Total Hours: 8.5

03-08-2023Updated employment page content, removed unnecessary HTML markup (list items, spans, etc...) - 1.75 hour(s)

03-09-2023Scaled slideshow imagery, created and placed slider revolution slider - 1 hour(s)

03-13-2023Round 1 updates - 1.25 hour(s)

03-14-2023Round 2 updates - 2.25 hour(s)

03-15-2023Round 3 updates - 1.25 hour(s)

03-16-2023Round 4 updates - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 8.5 hrs

RxFunction – misc. images and text updates from Powerpoint doc - 23RXF001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: RxFunction
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-08-23 10:13am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-26-2023 2:48pm
Total Hours: 1.25

03-08-2023Updated imagery, text, social icon, etc... based on PPT doc from client - 1 hour(s)

03-08-2023Scaled and placed "Step 3" image that was missing from original files - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Food Trailer Dates - 23DSC010

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-07-23 11:29am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-09-2023 10:50am
Total Hours: 0.25

03-08-2023Added 3 food trailer dates - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

DSC Website - 23DSC009

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 03-06-23 3:36pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 03-09-2023 10:51am
Total Hours: 0.75

03-07-2023Update text on "South of the Border" specialty menu, update/remove text on all 10 specialty menus - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.75 hrs

Space Tables site updates - 23SPT001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Space Tables
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-28-23 2:50pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 05-05-2023 12:39pm
Total Hours: 17.75

02-28-2023Removing backgrounds from table images in Photoshop - 3 hour(s)

03-02-2023Removing backgrounds from table images in Photoshop - 1.25 hour(s)

03-09-2023Photoshop work, updating pages in Divi - 3.25 hour(s)

03-17-2023Finish Photoshop work, end round 1 updates - 3.5 hour(s)

04-11-2023Round 2 updates - update swatches on Santa Fe, remove Lexington pages, add PDF to rep login, swap images on Clearwater pages - 2.5 hour(s)

04-18-2023Changed red base image to black and white, placed on Clearwater page. Wrote email for another request for client to supply content and imagery needed to create Boston page, because they never sent it like they said they did - 1 hour(s)

04-27-2023Created 2 new Boston Series pages, added text content and specs sheet, removed background from featured image - 2 hour(s)

05-01-2023Added image and text to "Bases" tab in options table, found and added brushed aluminum swatch image to "Finishes" tab in table - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 17.75 hrs

ABR – Health & Safety broken out into 2 pages - 23AGR002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-27-23 6:17pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 04-26-2023 2:48pm
Total Hours: 5

02-27-2023Created 2 new pages from existing Health & Safety page, updated content based on Word document - 1.25 hour(s)

03-09-2023Add new pages to main menu, updated responsive styles for all widths, layout tweak at 991-768, fixed-header style updates - 2.25 hour(s)

03-09-2023Add top menu to header so main menu stays in one row all the way down to mobile, update responsive styling, remove top menu at mobile - 1 hour(s)

03-09-2023Update menu item spacing - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 5 hrs

Re: Squeals on Wheels tab updates - 23DSC008

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-27-23 5:05pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-28-2023 9:22am
Total Hours: 0.25

02-28-2023Removed text from Squeals on Wheels page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Squeals on Wheels tab updates - 23DSC007

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-27-23 4:05pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-28-2023 10:20am
Total Hours: 0.25

02-28-2023Updated text on "Squeals on Wheels" page - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Previous requests - 23DSC006

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-23-23 1:10pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 4:51pm
Total Hours: 1

02-24-2023Add text to "Menu" page, crop, scale and upload new spreadsheet price charts - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

Website updates - 23DSC005

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-23-23 11:08am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-23-2023 12:28pm
Total Hours: 0.25

02-23-2023Added 2 food trailer events - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

FailZero – RSR products update, add reCaptcha for Woocommerce - 23FZO001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: FailZero
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-20-23 10:55am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 6:19pm
Total Hours: 0.75

02-20-2023Run RSR inventory import w/ all stock qty for all products set to 0 (fraud stuff), add reCaptcha for Woocommerce plugin and configure - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.75 hrs

Aris Clinic – responsive fixes - 23AGR001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-14-23 10:05am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 6:13pm
Total Hours: 1.25

02-14-2023Went through all pages, fixed button alignment issues, padding/spacing issues - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Re: DSC Website – Jobs - 23DSC004

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-08-23 1:31pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-09-2023 8:56am
Total Hours: 1.5

02-08-2023Fixed sidebar in search results, updated search results template to not display date of page/post - 1.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.5 hrs

DSC Website - 23DSC003

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-07-23 7:07pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-09-2023 8:47am
Total Hours: 0.75

02-08-2023Create new "Workday Special Menu" page, update main menu - 0.5 hour(s)

02-08-2023Added 2 new food trailer dates - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.75 hrs

Re: Divine Swine Web Updates - 23DSC002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 02-03-23 11:04am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-08-2023 5:03pm
Total Hours: 0.5

02-03-2023Removed June 8th event, added 4 new Winehaven events - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.5 hrs

Divine Swine Site Content Updates - 23DSC001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 01-17-23 9:40am
Priority Level: Medium

Ticket Close: 02-08-2023 6:41pm
Total Hours: 5.25

01-17-2023Create "Join Our Team" page, add button that links to new page on all existing pages - 1.5 hour(s)

01-18-2023Gary scaled/cropped price sheet images, JB re-centered sheet logos where necessary, placed imagery on site and updated How it Works text - 1.75 hour(s)

01-19-2023Update service charge text on specialty menus, remove column and contained content from "Menu" page, add venue to "Venues & Links" page - 0.5 hour(s)

01-19-2023Updated pricing tables (new tables supplied by Dale to fix errors in previous spreadsheets) - 1 hour(s)

02-01-2023Added DJ Greg Ellis link to "Venues and Links" page - 0.25 hour(s)

02-03-2023Removed June 8th event - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 5.25 hrs

Vantage Point – style/content updates - 2023VPT001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Divine Swine Catering
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 01-10-23 11:50am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 6:20pm
Total Hours: 1.25

01-10-2023Remove twitter links, remove team member, add 2 new team members, updated contact form, update team page to display all locations - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Performance Insights – menu & content updates, create new page - 2022PFI001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Performance Insights
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-30-22 11:37am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 6:21pm
Total Hours: 10

12-30-2022Create "Center for Lending Excellence" page, populate content and imagery, edits to "About" page - 4 hour(s)

01-02-2023Update main menu items and layout, update footer menu items, add responsive styling for new main menu layout, make edits to "Performance Navigator" page - 2.5 hour(s)

01-02-2023More page edits - 1 hour(s)

01-03-2023Final dev styling and layout tweaks - 1.25 hour(s)

01-04-2023Make changes to live site - 1.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 10 hrs

NCM – general content updates - 2022NCM002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: NCM
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-30-22 9:29am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:14pm
Total Hours: 8.5

12-28-2022Add intro text and slideshow to Warehouse and Office project pages. Test on dev, move to live - 1.25 hour(s)

12-30-2022Add intro text and slideshow to Multifaimly project page on live site. Update headlines already on page to match new headline style. - 0.5 hour(s)

01-12-2023Create SD pages, create SD menu, add SD address/contact info to footer and sidebar, set pages to display SD menu, fix Safety Data Sheets page PDF display - 3 hour(s)

01-13-2023Make SD changes live - 1 hour(s)

01-31-2023SD Home page - removed Amazon grid item, replaced with Bel Brands - 0.25 hour(s)

02-27-2023Add new items to "Projects" portfolios (various categories), alphabetize all portfolio/project items. - 1.75 hour(s)

05-26-2023Updates to Awards page, removed text from footer - 0.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 8.5 hrs

CLS – general content/site updates - 2022CLS002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: CLS
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-29-22 1:33pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-13-2023 2:07pm
Total Hours: 16.5

12-29-2022Create privacy policy page with text from Michele, add link to footer menu; Create careers privacy policy page, add button to careers page - 1.5 hour(s)

02-01-2023Create new "Technology" page, take content from CLS Link section on homepage - 0.25 hour(s)

02-03-2023Talked with Michele re: another new page, create new page, replace button with form on page - 1.25 hour(s)

04-04-2023Created new Undergrounding page, created new gravity form for page, updated homepage block to link to new page - 1 hour(s)

04-28-2023Created 4 new pages to be linked from "Training" page, pulled content from PDFs, matched PDF layouts as much as possible, responsive styling - 4.5 hour(s)

05-24-2023Copied call to action on CLS site, added content, imagery and styles to Tierra, Keystone and Paragon homepages - 1 hour(s)

06-13-2023Created "Training" page based on CLS Training page on Tierra, Keystone and Paragon - 1.25 hour(s)

06-30-2023Paragon - updated header logo, added facebook icon to header and footer, updated responsive styling and header styles - 1 hour(s)

07-20-2023CLS & Paragon - Added "Epic Land Solutions" locations to Locations page map through Elfsight app, added Epic locations to bottom of Locations page - 2.25 hour(s)

07-21-2023Tierra & Keystone - Added "Epic Land Solutions" locations to Locations page map through Elfsight app, added Epic locations to bottom of Locations page - 1.75 hour(s)

09-13-2023Added text block to CLS Companies page on all 4 sites for new EPIC company information - 0.75 hour(s)

09-13-2023Removed 2 Paragon locations from all "Location" maps on all 4 sites - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 17 hrs

ABR – Fix video images in Resources section - 22AGR004

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-19-22 12:54pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 02-27-2023 6:22pm
Total Hours: 0.25

12-19-2022Updated CSS to better display Video images - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

NCM – Site updates, clean-up, improve functionality - 22NCM001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: NCM
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-16-22 9:16am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-30-2022 9:29am
Total Hours: 15.75

12-14-2022DEV - testing, troubleshooting and adding Grav. Forms filter function to display all checkboxes on form notification and highlight unchecked - 2.75 hour(s)

12-15-2022DEV - update header logo, social icons above main menu, delete gallery items on various pages (DEV SITE) - 1.5 hour(s)

12-16-2022DEV - update home slideshow text and backgrounds, download and re-size/crop project imagery, add social icons to footer - 2.5 hour(s)

12-20-2022Fix updated header/footer responsive issues, updated awards page, spaced out social icons, made footer social icons larger, make all changes live - 1.5 hour(s)

12-13-2022Clear Out hacked files from website. Clear hacked code form content (Database) - 4.5 hour(s)

12-13-2022Move site to Development server (reduce image sizes, clear out unneeded videos) - 2 hour(s)

12-13-2022Install Popup Plugin. Create example popup. - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 15.75 hrs

AddWomxn – Content Updates 12/14/22 - 22ADW002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: AddWomxn
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-14-22 4:35pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-15-2022 2:50pm
Total Hours: 3.25

12-14-2022Updated footer - new secondary logo, menu items, tagline, lose twitter social icon, update responsive - 1 hour(s)

12-15-2022Updated header & footer nav, created two new pages, scaled and placed imagery for pages - 2.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 3.25 hrs

HFI – add 2023 Infographic Resource Post - 22HFI002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: HFI
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-13-22 12:11pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-13-2022 12:50pm
Total Hours: 0.5

12-13-2022Made infographic square to match Resource layout, created new Resource post, added download file and featured image - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.5 hrs

Huebsch – layout, content and style updates - 22HBS001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Huebsch Services
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-13-22 9:49am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-13-2023 2:14pm
Total Hours: 29.25

12-12-2022DEV - Update header layout within Cesis theme: logo left, menu center, add "Sign In" and "Contact Us" to main menu - 2 hour(s)

12-18-2022Make header layout and main menu changes to live site - 0.25 hour(s)

12-20-2022DEV - Create two sample popups, contact form on each, one with image and one without, link on homepage - 1 hour(s)

01-06-2023Scaled/cropped imagery for Service Area slideshows, updated slideshow imagery on both MN and WI Service Area pages - 1.5 hour(s)

02-12-2023Duplicated and updated Floor Mats page for new testing page, made responsive - 3.5 hour(s)

02-13-2023Fixed line-heights on mobile headlines - 0.5 hour(s)

02-21-2023Updated slider imagery and rotation speed on secondary Floor Mats page - 1.25 hour(s)

02-22-2023Add pronunciation to header and do responsive, add reviews to floor-mats-b page and style/configure - 4 hour(s)

03-04-2023Updates to "Floor Mats" (B) and "Credentials" pages - 2.5 hour(s)

06-13-2023Linked "Sign In" menu links (1 in main menu, 1 in mobile menu) to https://huebschdirect.com. Removed JS attached to main menu Sign In link that was triggering collapsed login fields - 0.25 hour(s)

07-27-2023Set up 2 new pages (AED's and Eye Wash Stations), copied content from First Aid page, communications with Jon re: pages and reviews - 0.75 hour(s)

08-17-2023Set up new Eyewash Stations page, styled to match PDF - 2.5 hour(s)

08-18-2023Started new AED page - 0.75 hour(s)

08-22-2023Completed AED page started previous week, created new Eyewash page based on content from client, similar layout to AED page, responsive styling - 5.75 hour(s)

08-24-2023Moved dev AED and Eye Wash pages to live site, updated functions file, template file, stylesheet, added imagery, etc... - 2.75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 29.25 hrs

EEE – Setup new category layout for “Essential Energy Tour” post category - 22AGR003

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-09-22 10:18am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-11-2022 1:17pm
Total Hours: 2

12-09-2022Setup new category layout for "Essential Energy Tour" post category - 2 hour(s)

12-19-2022Update "Essential Energy Tour" category page to use different featured image - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.25 hrs

Aurrera (dev site) – Remove “Our Teams” menu item - 22AUR001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Aurrera Health
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-07-22 2:02pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-07-2022 2:04pm
Total Hours: 0.25

12-07-2022Removed "Our Teams" from main menu - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 0.25 hrs

Pathways – add search button, view all button to Resources page - 22AUR001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Aurrera Health
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 12-07-22 11:08am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-07-2022 1:59pm
Total Hours: 1

12-07-2022Added search button to resource filters, added button to view all resources - 1 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

Miscellaneous Updates – Powerpoint Provided -

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: RxFunction
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 11-30-22 1:08pm
Priority Level: Medium

Ticket Close: 11-30-2022 1:09pm
Total Hours: 1

Forte – Add Divi portfolio module to Healthcare Real Estate page, fix responsive issues site-wide - 2022FOR002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Forte
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 11-30-22 1:01pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-09-2022 10:14am
Total Hours: 4

11-25-2022Research Divi portfolios, set up on Healthcare Real Estate page, add imagery, add placeholder text, make responsive - 2 hour(s)

11-30-2022Fix banner text wrapping/responsive, fix broken header layout at 1050px, fix whitespace under slideshows on new real estate pages - 2 hour(s)

Total Hours = 4 hrs

pH Prescription – Create Total Home Premier page matching “SEO Product” layout - 22PHP004

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 11-11-22 10:02am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-09-2022 10:19am
Total Hours: 2.5

11-11-2022Copy existing PPC product, update certain areas with content from "Total Home Premier" product, create and place new smart slider carousel - 2.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 2.5 hrs

pH Prescription – New Hospitality/BluPura page - 22PHP003

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 10-31-22 12:20pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-09-2022 10:19am
Total Hours: 9

10-31-2022Set up BluPura page on dev site, get styling in and layout in place - 9 hour(s)

Total Hours = 9 hrs

HFI – update footer, swap home slideshow for background video - 22HFI001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: HFI
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 10-14-22 9:50am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-09-2022 10:19am
Total Hours: 1.25

10-14-2022Update footer layout, content, styles - 0.75 hour(s)

10-14-2022Video background troubleshooting, re-type banner text, set up WP Bakery for new banner layout - 0.5 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Add HotJar Heatmap Plugin. Setup Account. -

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 10-04-22 2:14pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-29-2023 3:31pm
Total Hours: 1

10-04-2022Signed up for HotJar.com. Added plugin to site. Linked site to account. Upgraded to Business account. - 1.0 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1 hrs

Forte – Set up example Smart Slider 3 - 22FOR001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Forte
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 10-04-22 10:07am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-09-2022 10:14am
Total Hours: 1.25

10-04-2022Slider placed on page, waiting on reply from client - 1.0 hour(s)

10-04-2022Remove padding above slider through Divi editor - 0.25 hour(s)

Total Hours = 1.25 hrs

Pathways – Add header to featured Resources page - 22PWY001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Pathways
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-29-22 2:27pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-29-2022 2:28pm
Total Hours: 0.25

LBW – consolidate forms, update form flow - 22LBW001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: LBW
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-26-22 9:18am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 12-07-2022 4:21pm
Total Hours: 11.5

09-26-2022Update form fields, update form flow, rearrange form layouts, update/add form selections, add intro text to order form pages - 10.5 hour(s)

10-06-2022Braille Form - put choices for Books of the Old/New Testament one level deeper in form - 1.25 hour(s)

10-06-2022Stop checkbox/radio labels from wrapping, finalized Corr. Facility page with new intro text and PDF links - .75 hour(s)

Total Hours = 12.5 hrs

Join the Club House – New Testimonials pages - 22AGR002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: Activated Growth
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 09-23-22 2:06pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 10-03-2022 1:34pm
Total Hours: 6.5

pH Prescription – Checkout Fee plugin testing - 22PHP002

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: pH Prescription
Request Type: New Feature Request

Ticket Open: 09-22-22 10:34am
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-22-2022 3:12pm
Total Hours: 1.5

Paragon Partners – add page section - 22CLS001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: CLS
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-21-22 12:49pm
Priority Level:

Ticket Close: 09-21-2022 1:05pm
Total Hours: 0.75

AddWomxn – Hide content from homepage, set post to draft - 22ADW001

Ticket Status: Closed

Client: AddWomxn
Request Type: Content and/or Style Updates

Ticket Open: 09-15-22 5:04pm
Priority Level: Low

Ticket Close: 09-15-2022 5:05pm
Total Hours: 0.25